Wonder Boy
Fans will fondly remember all this, of course, but what they may not be prepared for is how drastic the presentation has been updated. The structure, the gameplay, and the level design are practically identical to the original, but the music and visuals take huge artistic liberties. The hand-drawn art style is gorgeous, especially in motion where you can see the wonderfully old-school animation. Where the backgrounds used to simply be solid colours, we now see fully realised locations, adding a depth to the world that couldn't be achieved on an 8-bit system. The music has been totally re-imagined and accompanies the new aesthetic perfectly, and the sound design is also a significant step up.
Wonder Boy
Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap is a ruthlessly faithful remake of the Master System classic that boasts a dramatic and beautiful audiovisual makeover. The game itself is still very enjoyable with a world map that's fun to work through and a lean Metroidvania structure that introduces new ideas right to the end. The controls are quite loose, which can lead to some frustration, but by and large this is a wonderful recreation that both fans and newcomers will enjoy.
@Quintumply I would extend the congratulations on the truly excellent tag line. My only complaint about the game (having not played it) is the absence of nasty man, who has powers comparable to wonder boy. Still, you can't have it all. 041b061a72